Inside of a museum in England, someone left a helium balloon that looked like a cartoon character. A camera inside filmed the balloon bobbing around the art.
This was a funny situation because the cartoon character was from a movie about a man who steals things, so it seemed like the balloon was there to plan another heist.
Workers at the museum put the video on the Internet, and many people watched and enjoyed this balloon’s museum visit.
Difficult words:
·helium (a gas that makes things float)--> Heli, gas que fa que la veu s'afini.
·bob (to move up and down slowly)--> Moviment.
·heist (a crime to steal things)--> Atracament
La notícia tracta sobre un museu que han obert a Anglaterra sobre el moviment, gracies a que una persona es va deixar un globus i aquest globus va començar a fer moviments extranys.Despres van obrir aquet museu el qual l'han visitat moltes persones.