miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016



1-VOCABULARY: Write one sentence related with the story, not the definition or traslation.

Blind: love is blind.
Foolish: Mercutio is foolish.
Poisonous: the poisonous ones.
Scratch: Mercutio has a scratch.
Friar: a friar Laurence.
Dove:Dove the love.
Jewel: she is like a bright jewel.
Secretly: Romeo and Juliet married secretly.
Crutch: Lord capulet need crutch.
Wall: Romeo jumped the wall.
Rose: Romeo gave a rose to Juliet.
Wedding: Romeo wedding with Juliet.
Wise: Benvolio is a very wise.
Fault: Tybalt is to fault for the death of Mercutio.
Cunning: Romeo riding a cunning to see Juliet.
Graceful: the ping ir graceful.

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